Sunday, 3 November 2013

Genre Research - Rom Com

Rom Com Introduction:

The basic plot of a romantic comedy is that two characters, usually a man and a woman, meet, part ways due to an argument or other obstacle, then ultimately reunite. The screenwriters leave clues that suggest that the characters are, in fact, attracted to each other and that they would be a good love match. The protagonists often separate or seek time apart to sort out their feelings or deal with the external obstacles. While the two protagonists are separated, one or both of them usually realizes that they are ideal for each other, or that they are in love with each other. Then, after one of the two makes some spectacular effort to find the other person and declare their love, or through a coincidental encounter, the two meet again. Then, perhaps with some awkwardness, they declare their love for each other and the film ends happily. The couple does not, however, have to marry, or live together "happily ever after".


Typical Music/ Soundtrack:

  • Music used in Rom-Com films is usually very happy and of course stereotypically girly therefore using soft tones such as wind instruments such as a flute with more percussion such as a piano with maybe abit of guitar. 
  • This is creates a soft relaxing mood when watching the film compared to an action,horror or adventure film where you are tense because of the music and on the edge of your seat. 
  • The music used in rom coms subconsciously makes you relax and feel at ease because of the instruments used and the way that the notes are placed together.
  • Music is used to set the mood and sometimes can be used in replacement of words too this helps with the narrative behind the film and helps the audience understand the meaning and the story. 
  • Soundtracks used are always placed for a specific reason and will always play an important role whether that be non diegetic or diegetic sound

Sound Design:

  • The genre that I am researching, that being Rom-Com does not really need to rely on soundtracks or music as much as others for example horror which build up alot of tension alot of it coming from music. 
  • In a Rom-Com this isn't needed as much as it is a very visual and realistic everyday life genre. Films are usually set in a busy area for example New York - very busy city. Some sound effects that could be recorded to create and atmosphere would be the sound of traffic, restaurant noises for example - glasses touching, people making conversation etc , car noises , nature - rain, wind, birds.


  • The costumes used in Rom-Com films are usually typical everyday clothing.
  • However there are differences for example someone who has a higher social class or has more popularity will be seen in better clothes that are designer with everything on the latest trend. 
  • They will usually be very pretty with blonde hair, tall, thin - typically model looking. They will usually also have the best looking boyfriend. whereas on the end of the spectrum the typical 'underdog' or 'geek' will have clothes that signify that they are not popular such as them wearing glasses, having braces, carrying books, not into the latest fashion or having the most 'on trend' clothing. 
  • They are stereotypically portrayed as single and having brunette hair.
  • The men are portrayed as careless for love and not really interested in settling down with women. They are also shown as less dominant in Rom-Com films as the women tend to have a higher status job therefore meaning they are more dominant.
  • Costumes also depend the time setting of the film. Men and women will wear totally different costumes in a film thats set in the 90's than they will today or even further back to the 60's or 70's, even if the film was made recently but set in the past they will have to make clothes for that era

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